How Animals Appear as Messengers

 SIGHTINGS When you notice certain animals in nature, whether they cross your path randomly, view them through windows or transportation, and you feel it is unusual, emphasized, and unique in some way. Perhaps the animal has distinctive markings or color or is...

Emotional Responses to Animal Messages

Since most of us spend our lives inside manufactured dwellings separated from the natural environment, society has shifted attention away from nature to focus on other tasks. Most people unconsciously block out the natural environment even when they are in it, which...
Seeing the Good with The Sun Tarot Card

Seeing the Good with The Sun Tarot Card

The Sun card represents: harmony, joy, goodness, unconditional love, energy, brightness, satisfaction, assurance, success, vitality, youth, being guided by the light, warmth and positivity, creative power, gifts, and heartfelt happiness. The Sun card pictured in the...